2015 Snowstorm in the Greater Boston Area

    Boston is known for its snow, and this had already been an incredibly snowy winter, even by Boston standards. Late January saw a snowstorm that brought 24.4 inches of snow in only two days. The town I live in, Newton, about twenty minutes west of Boston, got even more snow than this, although nobody in my family or on the internet can seem to agree on a number. Hudson, a town only 50 minutes west of Boston and in my same county, recorded an even 3 feet of snow

Large icicles and a massive snowbank forming on a neighbor's property

This winter broke Boston's previous record for most snowfall in a single season at 110.4 inches. 11-year-old Ari could barely peek his head over the snowbanks, as snow had piled up on top of snow from other storms earlier in the season.

    Upon doing further research into the snowstorm I discovered some interesting gems, one being that, during the snowstorm, students at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) built a snow structure consisting of two rooms, brought out a grill, and offered hotdogs and beer to passersby.

    Due to this storm, the MBTA (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority) shut down. The general manager of the MBTA resigned a few days after the storm hit, which caused further complications in the public transportation system, which lasted for most of the winter.

    The last bank of snow from this winter melted in July.

    A sort of folk hero arose, called "The Boston Yeti," a man dressed in a yeti costume, who went around shoveling out snowed-in houses and walkways.

Patches (left) and Mabel (right) observing the winter wonderland outside through the storm door

    Needless to say, school was canceled.

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  1. This must've been a whirlwind to experience-- from the massive amount of snow to a man dressed as a yeti. Mentioning the intricate snow structure that the WPI students were able to build really puts into perspective just how much snow had accumulated. The fact that the last of the snow didn't melt until July is wild and really demonstrates how persistent and abundant the snow was. The picture of your dogs is so precious, and I hope they got to enjoy the snow once it melted a bit.


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