It's a Little Rain ,What's the Worst That Could Happen ?

  It's Just a Little Rain What's the Worst That Could Happen ?

          Picture this its a regular day in Kansas City Missouri. Lately it has been intensely hot and everyone has be wondering when it rain next. You're working at parkway rehabilitation center and you are putting dishes through the dish washer. Your coworker Tonya asks you to ride with her to go get some food and drop it off to her son. As you're walking out the building towards her car you realize that the sky is dark and gloomy as if it's about to start raining in that very moment. Tonya's talking as she driving toward the nearest Churches but all you can think about is the rain. Not only is it about to rain but your hair just got done and you didn't bring a jacket to class. The rain starts to fall at first it was barely any rain coming down. But as Tonya pulls into the drive through the rain starts to pour down and hair like hail. The rain just starts to pour down as you're looking around you noticing that the roads are starting to fill with rain. You're heading to drop off the food and as you get closer to the house the rain just pours and you're think damn I've never seen it rain this bad before. People on the road are driving as if they are scared and wondering if they are going to make it home safely to their families. As Tonya drives down the high way you notice that there are trees all in the road , some large trees have fallen on house and to top it off the main streets are being closed of to try to contain the rain. Your mind is racing thinks " I hope that we make it back to work safely but how if there are trees everywhere. Tonya reassures you that she knows a safe way to go that will lead us to work. Going down this path you see that people are getting into car accidents and the streets are piled up with traffic. Finally you make it back to work but the war isn't over yet , you still have to make it back into the building safe and dry well your hair at least. When you can't find anything to protect your hair you just give up and make a run for it. You make it to building but you're covered in rain and to think this all could've been avoided if you would've stayed at work. But it's just a little rain , What's the Worst that Could Happen. 


  1. Reading about your experience with this heavy rain reminds me of the big thunderstorms we get in Madison during the summer. The way you describe the quick changes of the sky, the suddenness of the rain, and the way the roads filled up with water makes me think about how scary it is to drive in a rainstorm and how quickly it becomes dangerous, even when we don't often think of rain as a major hazard in its own right.


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