Blizzardland: my life in Massachusetts

 By: Matthew Rade 

Being from Massachusetts, I have not experienced many hazards in my lifetime. The primary hazard that happens in Massachusetts is blizzards. It seems like every few years we are blessed with several feet of snow and possibly a few days off from school. There is nothing better than waking up to 2-3 feet of snow and an entire day with nothing to do. When the occasional blizzard hit it seems like the entire state shuts down. Nobody moves around or even leaves their house. In places like Boston the snow covers the entire street and paralyzes the city. But that is what residents signed up for when they moved to Boston. The next hazard we get in the occasional last parts of a hurricane. I remember the day when Hurricane Sandy hit my house. We lost power and there was lots of hard rain. However, we didn't have it as bad as many did on the eastern seaboard. 

Blizzard Paralyzes Massachusetts

 Overall, Mass is a very neutral and hazard free area of the United States. We don't get any tornadoes or any tsunamis. Until a few weeks ago I thought we didn't get earthquakes either. But we got a 3.6 magnitude earthquake in Massachusetts. The shaking only lasted a couple of seconds but was felt all over New England. Unfortunately, I was in the twin cities and was not able to experience the earthquake for myself. Instead I had to hear about it from my mom who really wasn't that interested in the first place. I guess I will have to go back to experiencing blizzards and hurricanes as the geohazards that come to my neck of the woods. 




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